Exchange OTC Desk

As the ultimate cryptocurrency platform for business, Nettexx offers you the ability to exchange large amounts of crypto for crypto or crypto-to-fiat safely, securely, and legally in a single transaction. This is unlike conventional exchanges, where you have to search for multiple counterparties with different rates.

Сapabilities as OTC trading platform for businesses allow you to use cryptocurrency as a fully-fledged tool for the realization of any of your projects. With access to more than 30 cryptocurrencies, instant invoicing, and all statistics right at your fingertips.

Exchange OTC Desk

Withdrawal via SEPA or SWIFT

Thanks to its European license, Nettexx cryptocurrency platform allows you to withdraw funds via SEPA and SWIFT to your own bank account in USD and Euro. Making international payments in crypto and fiat currencies opens up a wide range of business opportunities.

Transactions via SEPA and SWIFT are available for most countries and banking systems. Withdraw funds to your bank card and replenish your account in a convenient format through the possibilities of your business merchant account in Nettexx.

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Withdrawal via SEPA or SWIFT

For any type of business

Numerous companies worldwide harness the effectiveness of a cryptocurrency payment gateway. Align yourself with these organizations and expand your clientele to encompass those enthusiastic about conducting transactions with cryptocurrency.

Additionally, take advantage of the competitive pricing offered by cryptocurrencies to fulfill your liquidity needs—an edge we excel at providing.

Hotels and travel companies

booking hotels, tickets, transfers and excursions


payment for any goods: from cosmetics to real estate


payment for consultations, training, legal and other services

Gambling and betting

fast and safe replenishment of your gaming account

Digital products

payments for VPN, hosting, games, movies and subscriptions


rent a car, bike, moped and other equipment anywhere in the world

Supported cryptocurrencies

Welcome more than 30 cryptocurrencies with Nettexx.
Smoothly and swiftly transform digital coins within your business account, utilizing either automated or manual exchange methods.
Buy, sell, or convert funds with ease and withdraw them seamlessly to your cold wallet.

















Services used

Chainalys provides an analytic service that examines the origin of incoming transactions. This platform assists in evaluating the security level of a transfer and sends alerts if the sender is involved in deceptive activities, providing a shield against potential scams and fraud.

Sumsub acts as a solution for remote identity verification through KYC/AML. This service guarantees rapid, automated identity verification, providing a defense against fraudulent activities. Furthermore, it monitors transactions and produces reports on any questionable transfers, strengthening your protection against potential threats.

Try the demo

Empower your customers to engage in cryptocurrency transactions with ease – our seamless host-2-host integration guarantees the rapid implementation of Nettexx in just one day.

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